Burner accessory controller is one of the key components of the gas engine system, which directly affects the operation and performance of the burner. Therefore, the correct use of the burner accessory controller is very important to improve the efficiency of the burner and reduce energy consumption
The flame detector is a very important burner accessory, its role is to provide real-time detection of possible flame conditions within the system, as well as to protect the system from fire and other flame safety issues. There are many types of flame detectors, and different types have different ap
As an accessory of burner, transformer plays an important role in industrial production. It can convert a high voltage through a transformer into a low voltage, or a low voltage into a high voltage. This is important because in many industrial applications, the voltage must be converted so that the
Selection of flame detector for burner accessories. In industrial production, the burner is a common combustion equipment, and its safe operation is crucial to the entire production process. The flame detector as one of the accessories of the burner, its role is mainly to detect the flame state of t